Surf Anglers Association
Delaware Valley Surf Anglers Association
ASAC Tournament Competitions
40th Annual Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament
in Sea Isle City, NJ on May 14, 2022.
This event will be a team and individual tournament. Team (6 fisherpersons) registration is $60.00. Individual registration is $10.00. Registration checks can be made sent to DVSAA at the above address or register at the Sea Isle City Community Lodge the day of the tournament.
Registration - SIC Community Lodge 5:30 AM to 7:00 AM
First Fishing Position 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Second Fishing Position 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
FREE LUNCH, Awards, Door Prizes 1:00 PM
Award presentations, etc. and FREE LUNCH begin at 1:00 pm at our headquarters located in the Sea Isle City Community Lodge, 300 JFK Blvd, SIC, NJ 08263.
Beach buggy permits have been waived for the tournament. Only vehicles with 4-wheel drive are permitted on the beach. Please try to limit your vehicles to two buggies per team. We will provide transportation for those teams or individuals participating in the tournament who do not have access to a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Please notify us at registration if you need transportation. Prevailing Association of Surf Angling Clubs tournament rules will be observed.
Teams: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place plaques
Individuals: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place plaques
Youth: Al Quartucci Memorial Plaque for the most fish, team or individual.
Woman: Largest Fish plaque
Mayors Trophy: Largest Fish in the Tournament
Door Prizes including 2 custom rods, lure bag and lures, hand tied rigs and teasers, and much more.
Questions or directions, call or email Jane Jefferys at the above numbers.
Download Flyer
SPONSOR LIST Please patronize these businesses
Advanced Fishing
Century Custom Rods
3101 Dune Dr. Suite 107
Avalon NJ 08202
856 839 6916
Boulevard Bait and Tackle
535 Sea Isle Blvd.
Ocean View NJ 08230
690 624 7637
Sea Isle Bait and Tackle
4120 Park Rd.
Sea Isle City NJ 08243
609 263 6540
Crankey Creek Tackle Co.
Custom Made Saltwater Rigs
Riptide Bait and Tackle
1201 W. Brigantine Ave.
Brigantine NJ 08203
609 264 0440
The Fisherman Magazine
Dexter Knives
Cutlery for fisherman
Glenn Luckey